Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Julius Caesar

Portrait busts (sculture of just the head and neck) of Julius Caesar can be tricky to identify. This one comes from the Capitoline Museum in Rome. What aspect of Caesar's character does it portray?

Some of the famous coins depicting Julius Caesar also reflect his ambitions. What is it about this coin that led to his assissination?

Caesar is on the left; what does it say around the edge of the coin?
On the right, Venus is sitting holding a Victory (Nike): why Venus?

Here is another Caesar coin with Venus on the left. Who is carrying his father and holding the Lares and Penates on the right? He looks like he is in a hurry!

After Caesar's assassination, Brutus issued this coin:

Why the cap (pilleus) and the daggers?

And how about this coin? What does it represent? What does "Divus Iulius" mean?

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